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Contact us

DaSRA Committee Members are always happy to hear from local residents about areas of interest that could have an impact on those who live in our community. Sometimes such an impact could be negative, for example when one of our valuable assets, or services, is threatened and needs action to prevent, or curtail, such a loss. Sometimes there could be an opportunity to embrace something new which would have a positive impact on life in our community, and you think that DaSRA could help rally support.

Maybe you would like your organisation to be added to our Register of activities and service, or you are involved with some event which could be of interest to a wider audience than you regularly enjoy.

Remember DaSRA is YOUR Residents’ Association. If you have some ideas that would improve living in Downderry or Seaton, then do let DaSRA know.

Contact DaSRA by email: info@dasra.co.uk
or write to
Maura Swabey, Chair,
DaSRA, Firside, Main Road, Downderry, PL11 3LE
phone: 07720 289829