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The Downderry & District Community Bus

Click here for latest monthly timetable and details of excursions

July 2024 News from the Chairman.

Mark your cards early. The wonderful Friends of the Bus, our great Community Bus fundraisers, are organising a barn dance in the Downderry & Seaton Village Hall on September 28. More details to follow on the notice boards and on www.dasra.co.uk.

After being forced to miss our regular monthly visit to Looe last month in order to go to the Royal Cornwall Show, we are back to normal in July with a trip to Looe (the Shipton Abbott of TV’s Beyond Paradise) on Friday July 5. We leave Downderry at 11.30 to give good time for a long, leisurely lunch, returning from Looe at 3pm. It’s especially convenient, as we can now park right by the quay in East Looe.

In a busy month we are off to Tavistock on Friday July 12 and to Truro on Wednesday July 17 with the normal departure time of 09.30 from Broads Yard and then the usual pick-up points in Downderry, Seaton and Hessenford. Of course every week we visit Plymouth on a Tuesday and Liskeard on a Thursday, and on these two services you can use your bus freedom passes. No issues with parking, let the bus take the strain.

Our excursion on Friday July 26 will be to the wonderful Cornish Lavender Farm, which has previously hosted us on some memorable visits. Further ahead do mark your diaries for Wednesday/Thursday August 14/15, when we will be heading back to Mount Edgcumbe to view the Plymouth fireworks competition. The evening departure will be at 8pm.

For all passenger bookings please call Bev Brighton on 01503 250944. For 300 Club and details of the monthly draw call Jo Woodley on 01503 250489. For any other questions, including on driver recruitment, please contact Kevin Done, chairman on 01752 466313 (I have NOT moved to Plymouth, it’s a BT glitch!) or by email at kevindone@hotmail.com.

June 2024 News from the Chairman

It’s always best to book your seats on the Community Bus in advance. Please call Bev. Details below. It helps us a lot to know the level of demand for a particular service, but most importantly it secures your seat. Especially for summer excursions we often have a full bus, so the best advice is always to book early to avoid disappointment.

First up, it is already time to mark your diary for the wonderful Royal Cornwall Show. We are planning to go to the Show on two days, if demand is strong enough, on Friday/Saturday June 7/8. The departure time will be 9.15am. The bus fare is £10 and entry to the Show is £21.50.

In a busy month we are off to the Falmouth International Sea Shanty Festival on Friday June 14, departure at 11.30. We will travel to Truro on Wednesday June 19 and Totnes on Friday June 28. Of course every week we visit Plymouth on a Tuesday and Liskeard on a Thursday, and on these two services you can use your bus freedom passes. No issues with parking, let the bus take the strain.

Looking further ahead to July why not make it a leisurely lunch in Looe on Friday 5 July, departure time 11.30am. We will also be running services to Tavistock on Friday 12 July and to Truro on Wednesday July 17. Our excursion on July 26 will be to the wonderful Cornish Lavender Farm, which has previously hosted some memorable visits.

On June 20 it will be time for bubbles in the Village Hall, as our magnificent Friends of the Bus offer afternoon tea and a glass of prosecco, as part of their great support programme for the Bus. The Bus coffee morning in the Village Hall will be on Monday June 17.

For all passenger bookings please call Bev Brighton on 01503 250944. For 300 Club and details of the monthly draw call Jo Woodley on 01503 250489. For any other questions, including on driver recruitment, please contact Kevin Done, chairman on 01752 466313 (I have NOT moved to Plymouth, it’s a BT glitch!) or by email at kevindone@hotmail.com.

Chairman’s Report for Downderry & District Community Bus Association AGM held 08.11.22 at St Nicolas Church.

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The Downderry & District Community Bus Association is a voluntary organisation - Charity Number 1000967 - formed to serve the welfare and needs of the Downderry, Hessenford, Narkus and Seaton communities. The community bus provides a regular weekly link with both Plymouth and Liskeard and an early morning service between Seaton and Downderry during school terms. Other popular, regular destinations include Truro, Tavistock, Totnes, Exeter and Looe. The timetable and details of monthly excursions, usually on a Friday, are available in the Nut Tree monthly newsletter, on local websites (including this one, see below) and on the village noticeboards.

Concessionary fare cards can be used on the Plymouth, Liskeard and Trago Mills routes. Under 15s travel at half price and there is no charge for under 5s. A gentle reminder to all passengers who use discretionary passes on our registered routes, namely the Plymouth, Liskeard, Trago Mills and Seaton services. Can you please try to remember always to have your pass with you, as it is possible that an inspector could choose to come on board during a journey to check up, that our claims for reimbursement are being made properly. Many thanks.

To book a seat please ring Bev Brighton on weekdays between 9am and 5pm on 01503 250944. You can also support your bus by joining the 300 Club and buying a monthly draw ticket. It only costs £12 for the year. To join please contact Jo Woodley on 01503 250489, or email here: or come to one of our sociable  Tea and Cake afternoons usually held at Downderry & Seaton Village Hall. Check the events diary for dates.There is always a raffle and the ever popular  puzzle and book stall.  Phone Jane Mather for bus hire bookings by affiliated groups on 01503 250840, For any other matters please contact Kevin Done, Chairman, on 01752 466313 or Jem Hall, Vice Chairman, on 01503 261497. We are always looking to recruit new drivers and helpers.

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