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Memorial Garden, Downderry, PL11 3LL

The Memorial Garden, in the centre of the Downderry overlooking Whitsand Bay, plays a central role as a community venue for remembering and celebrating those who are no longer with us. The garden is a much loved place for walks and quiet seating on benches marked in memory of loved ones. For further information, contact the clerk.deviockpc@btinternet.com.

The garden is maintained by volunteers who meet the 2nd Saturday in month (March to Oct) 10am - 12 Noon. If you would like to volunteer a couple of hours once a month, March - October, please contact Tim Pullin at email Tim.pullin@gmail.com

Armastice Day is commemorated every year on 11 November to mark the armistice signed between the allies of World War One. That date now offers an opportunity for residents to come together to pay tribute to those who die in conflict. The ceremony, which includes a two minutes silence, is held in front of a large Celtic Cross on a tapering column with a stone base. The dedication and the names of local servicemen who died in World Wars One and Two are inscribed on the column. Lest we forget, their names are listed here -
SERVICEMEN remembered by Name on the Memorial Stone

On Armastice Day, 11 November 2022 the service was led by Local Minister of the Church of England (Reader)  David Watters. Deviock Parish Council Chairman, Mark Gibbons laid the wreath and read the names of local servicemen remembered, and resident trumpeter, Andy Liddicombe, played the The Last Post and Reveille. Some 200 people attended the ceremony on that day, including a large number of school children from the local St Nicolas Primary School.

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