On 6 June 2023, the owners of Downderry Stores announced that they planned to close the shop in Sept 2023. On hearing the news, DaSRA organised a survey to gauge the community’s views on the consequences and whether and in what form a replacement facility should be considered. The responses to the questionnaire indicated overwhelming support for a local commuity shop, with interest expressed in a wide range of support activities. A Public Meeting was convened by DaSRA in July 2023, to present the findings of the Survey and to discuss the future of a shop in the village. With overwhelming support from residents and a brief to explore the feasibility of establishing a community shop, a Steering Group of local residents was formed.
Initial funding and set-up costs for the survey and the Downderry Community Shop project were provided from the Downderry Community Fund, which is managed and distributed by DaSRA. This fund, built on donations from local residents, is restricted to supporting long- term initiatives that benefit the local community in Downderry and Seaton.
in February 2024 Downderry Community Shop was registered with Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) as a Community Benefit Society.
In April 2023, with advice and support from the Plunkett Foundation, specialists in community ownership developments, and after extensive research into possible sites, the Steering Group members were ready with a proposal: that the premises known as Summink Different , a cafe in the centre of Downderry, be acquired to be used as a site for a new shop. They plan for a part-time manager to be appointed, supported by local volunteers, providing retail services and possibly a cafe hub to help make the site a cornerstone of local life and an addition to the local economy.
A business plan has been prepared to support the project. Start up costs to cover the purchase of the lease, legal fees, shop fitting, initial stock, and a contingency fund to provide a stable financial foundation are estimated to be £85,000.
A funding-raising campaign was launched on 29 April. It is hoped this will be achieved by way of donations, supported by ‘match funding’ that has already been pledged. If needed, this will be supplemented by a Community Share scheme.
By Crowdfunding: https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/downderry-community-shop
By Bank Transfer to Downderry Community Shop Ltd: Lloyds Bank:30-97-73
Account Number: 47141268
Reference : Please state Initial and Surname
By cheque to Downderry Community Shop Limited and post to Steering Group members
Dave Twist, Oak Bee,Main Road, Downderry, PL11 3JA. mob: 07879 405616
Nigel Jones, The Gundeck, Top Road, Downderry, PL11 3LZ. mob:07989 334249
or in DaSRA Postbox, rear of Community Notice Board, by telephone box.
FAO. Community Shop